Our friend Jo Kann was a performer, an artist, a celebrity and above all, caring. It seems only natural that people should write memories of her that portray her that way

Here are the thoughts, a few of those words, that members of the choir and others who have know her naturally feel when speaking of Jo……………..

There’s a song to be written about Jo Kann – perhaps a musical as my mind goes immediately to skit and performance.  For years I stood beside Jo at choir. I think she liked that because she was a subversive by nature. She knew she could make me laugh at the most inappropriate times. So that was what that permanent twinkle in her eye was about – her constant sense of devilment.

I remember Jo every time we use her bunnikin mug and plate – they are the original china numbers. Jo gave these to me when I had Patrick. I was so touched and over the years Jo always inquired and took pleasure in Pat’s doings. I remember Jo dashing out early from choir to get the bus home – rain or shine she came – when she was not exactly a spring chicken. I remember Eddie (equally fun) patiently waiting or attending performances year after year and them driving off together in their unique/antique Holden. I am sure there will lots of stories told about Jo – her grooming, I am sure she was a great dancer too in her day …and what about her Jo and Flo Show in the Bjelke era? I once remember going to see Jo and Flo and Stan in their performance troupe. I am so grateful for knowing Jo Kann. I am so sorry for Eddie’s loss. They were a great partnership.  I am also sorry I won’t be in Brisbane next week as I am in Adelaide from Saturday back on 1 March. Jo Kann, sister, comrade, I remember us singing – your arm hooked in mine. I cherish your capacity for fun, love and friendship.

Julie Conway


Jo was a valiant trooper and her elegance and solidarity in equal proportions were always presented with a joyful sparkle of her blue eyes, another heroine gone.

Sing on Jo…



She was a strong member of the sopranos and the descant line of Solidarity is still in my ears. 

Jo wrote me a Christmas wish on paper each year she was in the Choir and wrapped a $5 note inside to buy my kiddies an ice cream.  Very fond memories.



Farewell Jo Kann, your distinctive curls and clear voice are woven into my memory of song. from Jo (Burden) in a sunny but very windy Malta.

Jo Burden